Celebrate 23 years of PrYSM on January 17th, at 10 Sims Ave.
Buy your tickets here!

In our vision of a world without policing, prisons, and borders, Palestine is Free!

May 15th marks the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, or "Catastrophe" in Arabic. This was the beginning of the mass displacements deaths of Palestinians, a genocide drive by Israel and back the by U.S. Thanks to 18MillionRising for breaking down what the Nakba is and how Asian Americans have a responsibility to take action for a Liberated Palestine. PrYSM staff & youth also wanted to shared our reflections of how our struggles -- as Southeast Asians, youth of color, survivors of state violence -- is connected to Palestinian Liberation. This past month, we welcomed the Khmer New Year, held a vigil in honor of the 49th anniversary of the Khmer Genocide, supported the Ethnic Studies campaign rally & teach in, and shared space with our communities. As we celebrated the resiliency of our people, named the trauma caused by US imperialism, and found ways to heal together, we couldn't talk about our history without acknowledging the present. Because in our vision of a world without policing, prisons, and borders, Palestine is Free!